Year 10 Term 3 CL tasksheet



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Bundaberg Christian College Christian Living - Year 10 Name: Amal Shijo Teacher: Mrs Bronkhorst Unit: The Bible Assessment Instrument: Assignment – presenting your case for or against the Bible as an authoritative book. TASK: You are to complete the questions in this task sheet with thorough evidence and consideration of your point of view. The assessment involves: 1. Reading the questions. 2. Researching to find valid evidence for your opinion. 3. Explaining how this information will affect your life. All written work will be submitted to Canvas. CONDITIONS: You will need to work in class and at home to complete this task. You must write in a manner that is well-researched and respectful no matter what you opinion is. You must provide a list of sourced in a reference list. You are not allowed to copy or paste from the internet or use AI generated answers. Stimulus: Psalm 119 vs 105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path”. Understanding how to read God’s word and its meaning is crucial to living an empowered Christian life. FINAL COPY - DUE DATE : Week 8 of Term 3
Answer the following questions thoroughly and with valid arguments. 1. What is your opinion of the Bible as a valid and authoritative book for one’s life? (No research is needed here since this will be a statement of your belief.) The belief that the Bible is a valid and authoritative book for one's life is shared by many individuals who credit to various religious traditions. I see the Bible as a source of wisdom, guidance, and moral teachings that can shape their decisions and actions. Personally, I believe that the Bible is a valid authoritative book of one’s life. 2. Can you provide at least 3-5 reasons for your belief? Each reason must be explained with evidence from credible sources. a. The first reason I believe that the Bible is a valid and authoritative book for one’s life is because the Bible has many sources of wisdom, guidance and moral teachings. For example, the second step to getting wisdom is to desire it with all our heart. As Solomon says, we must “look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure” (Proverbs 2:4). This passage from Proverbs 2:4 emphasizes the importance of having a strong desire for wisdom. The comparison made by Solomon between searching for wisdom and searching for valuable treasures like silver implies that seeking wisdom should be a priority and pursued diligently. Just as someone would carefully search for hidden treasure, we should wholeheartedly seek after wisdom by actively pursuing knowledge, understanding, and insight. This verse encourages us to value wisdom and make deliberate efforts to acquire it, recognizing its immense worth in our lives (Solomon, 2015). b. The next reason why I believe this statement is true is because of its sources on guidance. In 1 Corinthians 12:28 it states that, “And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.” This is implying that; the apostle Paul outlines the various roles and gifts that God has placed within the church. The hierarchy mentioned in this verse starts with apostles, who were chosen by Jesus Christ to bear witness and lead the early church. Second are the prophets, who receive divine messages and communicate them to the church. Next are the teachers, responsible for instructing and educating others in the faith. Miracles, referring to those with the power to perform supernatural acts, follow. Then there are gifts of healing, where individuals bring physical, emotional, or spiritual healing through prayer and God's power. Helping describes those who demonstrate compassion and service in supporting and assisting others practically. Guidance refers to individuals gifted in providing discerning counsel within the church
community. Lastly, different kinds of tongues describe those with the gift of speaking in languages unknown to themselves but understood by others through the Holy Spirit's power. Each of these roles and gifts serves a unique purpose, contributing to the overall functioning and growth of the body of Christ (Staff, 2022). c. The final reason that causes me to believe in this statement is that the Bible talk a lot about moral teachings. For example, the verse from 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” It encourages us to diligently study and understand the Word of God. By doing so, they can present themselves to God as approved workers who rightly handle the truth in His Word. The phrase "do your best" implies giving one's utmost effort and dedication in this pursuit. To "present yourself to God as one approved" means striving to live a life that aligns with God's standards, demonstrating a deep understanding of the truth found in His Word. It involves not only reading the scriptures but also applying their teachings in daily life (Smith, 2023). 3. How will your belief influence your life and choices from here on out? (Just your own thoughts here.) My beliefs will play a significant role in shaping my life and the choices I make from here on out. Beliefs are like guiding principles that help me navigate the world and make decisions that align with my values and goals. For example, I believe in honesty, so this will influence how I communicate with others and the importance I place on integrity in my actions. I also believe in hard work and perseverance; this will drive me to strive for excellence and overcome challenges. Beliefs can also impact my choices in areas such as relationships, education, and career. I also believe in the value of friendships and loyalty, therefore, I will prioritize nurturing and maintaining meaningful connections with others.
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