
Yellow Stone Positively Impact Diversity

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Zachary Higgins 12/12/16 Exploration Assignment 1) Observation I am taking a class called global environmental issues and heard about how reintroduction of wolves has had very positive impact in Yellowstone, but we did not go much deeper than just stating so. 2) Question How did reintroducing wolves to yellow stone positively impact diversity in the whole park? 3) Hypothesis -Reintroduction of a top predator lowered the number of over grazing herbivores, leaving a more stable amount of food for many species of herbivores. -Wolves helped to maintain exploding number of deer and elk that were hurting biodiversity in the park. 4) Predication If wolves are reintroduced in the park, then they will prey on expanding elk and deer populations …show more content… -Yellowstone national park was founded in 1872. -When the park was founded wolf population were in declination already, protection of wolves was not provided by the park for many years. -they were governmental population control for predators that had a heavy influence on the wolves disappearing from Yellowstone. -one governmental program from the US biological survey was Animal Damage Control which alone killed over 1,500 wolves and over 20,000 coyotes in one year. -1926 marked the last few wolves being killed however, wolf sightings still occurred occasionally. Scientist stated that even though few wolves may exist populations would not be sustainable. -in 1973 the endangered species act was passed. Following the act in 1995 Yellowstone national park reintroduced grey wolves. (Brodie Farquhar) -yellow stone elk populations started to flourish once wolves disappeared, although grizzlies and cougars still preyed on elk it was not to the extent which wolves …show more content…

-willows started growing and became more abundant which helped bring back healthy populations of beavers now that they had more availability of a crucial food source. -Growth in beaver populations meant more dams which had multiple beneficial effects on streams and rivers. Dams slow seasonal water runoff and help to maintain a healthy water supply. The pools created by dams also created good habitats for fish. More abundance of willows made great songbird habitat. -wolves effected the elk by making them break into smaller groups and forcing them to move and hide in more wooded areas rather than stay in riparian zones where they would be hunted. - elk killed by wolves also provides vital food source for predators such as grizzlies and black bears and for scavengers such as coyotes and ravens. -the grey wolf became listed as endangered in 1975, and a plan for recovery was required to be

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