
Windows File System Lab Report

Decent Essays

The purpose of this lab activity is to get one used to the basics of Windows file systems including RAID, Disk Spanning and Dynamic Disks. We also worked on Linux machine to explore the processes of file system by working through LVM (Logical Volume Management).
We started by launching the Domain Controller server FluxWinDC01 instance and a new instance FluxWindowsFSLab with additional four Elastic Block Store (EBS) drive storage. After remotely connecting to the Domain Controller, we access the AD DS by launching server manager and clicking AD Users and Computers to add Williard Johnson as a Domain Admin user. We connect to the new windows instance, but as a new instance one will “Get Windows Password” and change it after logging in as an …show more content…

To create a logical volume filesystem, we run “lvcreate -L 500M -n mylv0 VG0” to create 500MB volume size named mylv0. “ll /dev/mapper” is run to list content of /dev/mapper. We run “mkdir /mnt/lvm” and “mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/VG)-mylv0” to create a mount point for the volume and create file system on it respectively. We run “mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/VG0-mylv0 /mnt/lvm/ “ to mount the device. Then, we test the file system by accessing the system and creating a backup if the configuration folder.
We change the directory to ubuntu home directory to extend the logical volume and see its effect on content of the logical volume. “lvextend -L +16G /dev/mapper/VG0-mylv0” is run to extend extend the volume to 16GB and we check the disk space running “df -h” but the volume is still listed as its original size. “resize2fs /dev/mapper/VG0-mylv0” is run to fix this. We run vgdisplay to find that 8GB is left in the volume group.
To reduce file system, we run “umount /mnt/lvm” and use “fsck -f /dev/mapper/VG0-mylv0” to force a file system check. “resize2fs /dev/mapper/VG0-mylv0 500M” is used to shrink the file system and “lvreduce -L 16G /dev/mapper/VG0-mylv0” is used to reduce the system to go back to 500MB. The file system is then remounted by running “mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/VG0-mylv0 /mnt/lvm”. “lvcreate -L 500M -s -n mysnap0 /dev/mapper/VGO-mylv0” is run to take backup of the

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