
Urban League Society Research Paper

Decent Essays

This research paper is on the Urban League Society of Palm Beach County and their contribution to the black community over the past 40 years. This research will give you historical background of the company and their position during the advancement of blacks in society. The Urban League has not only advocated for the black community, but has strived to promote black leadership. However, their mission has been to achieve organization success in the following areas: (1) Education, (2) Minority loans and capital access. (3) Stable employment for blacks, (4) Networking for black businesses, (5) Social and Economic equality. The journey has been a struggle, but with political movements the League has embraced the black society in today’s …show more content…

Thus, hand by hand something or someone was there to pull them along the way and introduce them to an economic movement that would change their lives forever. You may ask what or who assisted them with their journey? Who, would be the Urban League Society and what, would be equity, freedom and success. With this being determined the Urban League would continue to development and assist African Americans that strived to succeed through the Civil Rights era and integration, desegregation of racial equality. Today, Urban League of Palm Beach County, is an interracial organization that strives to focus on racial equality and economic development to empower the black community …show more content…

The Civil Rights Movement. By 1950, their mission was to change federal and relief programs for the military through Civil Rights. Thus, the Civil Rights Movement was a time that African American had the chance to demonstrate for political and social injustice. This also marked the time in history that allowed civil right leaders and political catalyst to move forward with the voting rights act of 1965 and the Civil Rights of 1968. This changed the mission of the Urban League to focus more on the March on Washington and the Poor Campaign of 1968. The league advocated for black veterans, adoption programs, open housing and registration drives under the Marshall Plan. Thus, this plan would change economic equality over the next 40 years for

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