
Twitterholics Anonymous By Mona Eltahawy

Decent Essays

Twitter is the world’s number one go-to social media platform and, even though it is just words on a screen, it has the power to change lives for better or for worse. This social media platform is a powerful tool when someone knows how to use it correctly, but powerful tools can just as easily be misused. Mona Eltahawy’s primary theme in her essay “Twitterholics Anonymous” is that Twitter has both positive and negative effects on anyone who uses or follows the social media platform. “Twitter connects me to everything I care about and Twitter is ruining my life.” Just as this platform can connect people across the world, Eltahawy clearly demonstrates the toll it can take on one’s body and mind. The author of “Twitterholics Anonymous” brings up a unique conversation about Twitter’s effects on the world’s population that could inadvertently revolutionize how the world views and uses social media. Twitter creates a positive impact through simple connection; this connection calls up raw emotion, enables people to keep in constant communication with friends and colleagues across the world, and constantly updates people with news from everywhere on the globe just as it is happening. “Twitter is my lifeline to the world.” Twitter enables Eltahawy to stay updated on news as it breaks, keeping her on top of every story and in constant communication by …show more content…

She describes her experience on Twitter as reliant and addicting; it enables her to write stories fast that provide income, yet just as easily devastates her social life to the point of exhaustion. “Addiction. Connection. Distraction. Twitter, I love/hate you.” This short and simple sentence effectively sums up Eltahawy’s relationship with the most powerful social media platform in the world-

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