
Western Diet Essay

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The United States has progressed from a rural, agricultural nation to an urbanized industrial one in just the last two centuries. Through this the transformation of the American lifestyles have changed drastically. Other countries focus on eating well, excercise, and taking enough time to eat and enjoying what they are eating. One lifestyle that many Americans have adapted to is the Western Diet, but today around the world the Western Diet is not viewed as the most nutritious or beneficial diet for humans. The nutritional patterns of high-fat and cholesterol, high protein, high sugar, and excessive salt intake, as well as the excessive consumption of processed fast foods has collectively defined the Western Diet. Even though this type of …show more content…

Type two diabetes is preventable with the right kind of lifestyle, but if it is not prevented the only one to blame is the individual because it is self done. Obesity and type two diabetes are two ilnesses that are done to ones self through the acts of not eating a healthy stable diet and not exercising on a regular basis. If the United States did not promote so much processed foods the american families probably would not be in this epidemic. Unfortunaley, this epidemic is spreading worldwide, it will continue to have this domino effect if individuals are not more aware as to what they are eating. Khanna goes on to explain how when this type of diet is used in different parts of the world such as in Japan there becomes an apparent difference in their health. She notes that there is a decline in their health. She also states that “in the West, we have far too many additives in our foods, high fructose corn syrup, things we cannot even pronounce in our foods."According to the authors of the Harvard University of Public Health Web Team, Deane Eastwood, Christopher Ternan, and Jacob Yerdon, the Western diet plays one of the largest roles in obesity. Obesity has become a growing epidemic in every age group due to the toxic environments that have prevented many Americans from healthy living. We are constantly surrounded by processed foods, whether it be in schools or work areas, which makes it difficult for individuals to

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