
Social Isolation In America Essay

Decent Essays

Socially Isolated As time goes by more and more Americans are becoming socially isolated. Social isolation is when an individual distances itself from the social world. In “Social Isolation Growing in U.S., Study Says,” Shankar Vedantam argues that Americans are becoming socially isolated. I agree with Vedantam. Not being able to socialize is a big problem when an individual wants to go out into the real world. Americans need to become a united society because technology—like Facebook and Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, and cell phones—has contributed to social isolation. Facebook and Twitter have become one of the biggest social media use by Americans. Through Facebook people can share their life experience. In reality life experiences are lost through Facebook because the person posting is not living the experience with his or her friends. Twitter is use to post little messages called tweets that can only be up to 140 letters. Tweets express how someone feels or what they are doing. Twitter …show more content…

Cell phones allows people to not have face to face conversations. When talking on the phone, only the voice can be heard. The facial expression and body language of the person talking cannot be seen through a cell phone. Not being able to read body language is a problem when socializing because an individual might not know what other people are trying to say to him or her. Some conversations need to be handle face to face not on the phone. For example, one day my friend Reyna was talking, or should I say yelling, with her boyfriend on the phone. Reyna could have had this conversation face to face with her boyfriend. Texting has also contributed to social isolation. Texting isolates a person even more because not only can the person not be seen, the voice of the other person cannot be heard. People want to do everything trough a cell phone, but there is stuff that needs to be handle face to

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