
Rhetorical Sovereignty Summary

Decent Essays

In Rhetorical Sovereignty: What Do American Indians Want from Writing?, Lyons states, “sovereignty is the guiding story in our pursuit of self-determination, the general strategy by which we aim to best recover our losses from ravages of colonization…the pursuit of sovereignty is an attempt to revive not our past, but our possibilities” (2000). I agree with Lyons on this statement. Sovereignty should be way of retelling the history of different groups so those who do not know their story can become familiar with it. People cannot learn from history if they do not know their history. Once they know the history, then they can seek the possibilities they once claimed from it. This can go for any group of people, not just Native Americans. This statement Lyons makes can relate to other racial groups as well. When I read his statement I automatically think of African-Americans. When I read what Lyons claims is the pursuit of sovereignty, I think of what African-Americans had to go through during the civil rights movement and everything that is going on now in the world involving African-Americans. We do not need restore what happened in the past, but we do need to prosper from what happened. By prospering from what happened, then we can once again revive our possibilities that our ancestors fought for us to have. The main question is …show more content…

In order to do that we must first come together as one and use only one voice. It is hard to persuade an audience when the rhetors have many different opinions and the subject or issues. For example, what if a group of students start a petition to change the food in the cafeteria? These students would have to come together and figure out how to persuade their student body audience go sign the petition. This might be hard if everyone has a different opinion on what they food they want in the cafeteria. Everyone cannot persuade one audience with different

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