
Philosophies In The Civil Rights Movement

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Question 2: Discuss and differentiate the philosophies and strategies within the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement. Which organizations held what philosophy? If an organization’s philosophy changed over time, explain in detail. Were there other movements which held competing philosophies? If yes, what were they? How were the strategies similar and different? What was the relationship between the leadership of these movements? Answer: In my answer to this question, I will try to analyze the activities of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Huey Newton as the leaders of those organizations which lead the civil rights movement. Even though their philosophies and strategies were different, they pursued the same goal. Malcolm X, leaning towards black nationalism, fought for the purity of the black nation. Apparently, his background made it itself felt in his views. He didn’t want black people to integrate with the white race. Why would they? The fact that black people want to integrate with the white people means that they unwittingly recognize white superiority over black people. Malcolm X was the last man to see things that way. I think …show more content…

It was a radical left party, which is considered in some countries as a terrorist organization. This party was created primarily by those that opposed the philosophy of nonviolence of Dr. King. Moreover, leaders of the party were very close to King’s circles. In fact, the ideological organizer was Stokely Carmichael. In 1966, two friends from Oakland, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, created the Black Panther Party for Self- Defense. Later, it was decided to remove the word «self-defense». In the same year, the slogan Black Power was created. The Black Panther Party publicized Ten-Point program on May 15, 1967 in the Black Panther newspaper. The original ten points of «What We Want Now!» were extremely social, such as to arrange an employment of black

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