
Language Assessment And Language Proficiency

Decent Essays

Language Assessment and Language Proficiency Standard There are three main goals in teaching English as a second language. These goals are: To use English to communicate in social settings, to use English to achieve academically in all content areas and to use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways (Short, 2000). With these goals in mind, language proficiency standards (LPS) have been developed to help insructors achieve the highest level of ESL instruction. The Educate America Act of the early 1990’s fostered “a movement among professional education associations to develop standards for specific academic content areas” (Short, 2000). These national standards were for federal and state insitutions to have guidelines in designing curriculum and assessments. Also these standards would help promote the professional develop of teachers.
How do assessments based on language proficiency standards promote language learning? According to the Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA) assessments are defined as , “The use of instruments and procedures to gather data on a regular basis for such purposes as identifying learners ' needs, documenting learners ' progress, or determining how program services are meeting learners ' needs” (CAELA, 2015). Assessments are used to help instructors evaluate how effective their teaching methods are, to help students know how much information they have obtained and to inform admiration see the

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