
Hand Washing In Schools

Decent Essays

I chose to explore hand washing and the challenges that it can pose on schools and classrooms. Hand washing is a very simple act for everyone, but it is also a very vital thing that needs to be done. When working in education and in schools, it is important that we are aware of the health risks of not instituting a good hand washing policy in the classroom and in the school. According to an article I found on Education World about the importance of hand washing, studies show distrubing facts about illnesses that can be avoided if hand washing was more of a priority in the classroom and schools. Their facts state that:

Due to the common cold, nearly 22 million school days are missed by children each year.
In comparison, children have about 6-10 colds per year, whereas adults on have about 2-4.
Another interesting fact was that viruses and other bacteria can live anywhere 20 minutes to 2 hours, or even longer on surfaces that we touch regularly.
The other side shown in this article is the studies done in schools that are instituting hand washing programs school wide. These studies show:
After studying 305 students, they determined that the children who washed their hands at least 4 times a day had 24% few sick days due to cold/respiratory illness and a 51% decline due to stomach issues.
Another study of 290 in 5 different schools also in different …show more content…

Hand washing also extends to other areas, just germs. It is important to wash hands before and after handling food, along with handling specific foods. Outside of germs, you can also pass along allergens to students who could be severely allergic to a specific food or anything else that you touched. Something else talked about in the text is proper hand washing technique, which is so very important as well. If you are not washing your hands properly you are washing for

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