
Gun Control In The Tao Te Ching

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The Tao Te Ching outlines that if people value great individuals, they become weak. Also, if people place high value on possessions, they start to steal. The Tao Te Ching also articulates that the master leads by filling the hearts of people, weakening their ambitions and toughening their determination (Lao-tzu 3). The master assists individuals to lose their knowledge and desires and creates misperception in people who believe they possess knowledge. This concept can be applied in a political conflict in the contemporary world. It is evident that individuals have overvalued possessions. Overvaluing possessions has led to the emergence of various problems that have caused political conflict.
According to Tao Te Ching, people start stealing when they place too much value in possessions. For example, the gun control debate in the United States has raged on for several years. On the one hand, the government argues that individuals should have rights over their guns to reduce gun violence. There have been numerous cases of mass shootings in the recent past. These incidents are attributed to the high number of guns accessible even to children and mentally challenged individual. The government argues that tougher gun control policies will …show more content…

Individuals refusing to give up firearms argue they need them for protection from the increased level of crime. Tao Te Ching posits that weapons are the apparatuses of chaos and all decent people dislike them. Weaponries are used to cause fear and decent individuals will stay away from them apart from when they need them or if compelled and even then, they will use them with restraint (Lao-tzu 31). Peace has the outmost value and if it has been crushed, it cannot be content. It is agreeable that weapons are tools of violence and are used to cause

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