
Everglades Essay

Decent Essays

Many wetlands are beginning to die out. Look at the everglades for example they’ve been here for 5000 years! Back then they were pretty and all new, but now it is starting to look like the famous scene from the Indiana Jones movie "Raiders of the Ark" says the article "Are the Everglades Forever? My first reason is that Its majestic waters will turn into swampy waters filled with snakes and who knows what. Also if wetlands die out there will be habitat loss until they cannot find home and eventually dies out plus people are releasing animals out into the wild which is not a good thing because then animals start to compete for food The final reason we should care about wetland is that they provide thing for us to such as the everglades provides …show more content…

Say a frog eats a caterpillar, then a snake eats the frog, then finally a owl eats the snake. This is just a simple food chain but something called biodiversity, which means that’s there is a variety of things a that one animal can eat. An owl cant only eat a snake it could eat the frog or something smaller like a worm. This keeps form one species dying out completely, which would cause multiple species to die out. When someone releases a pet into the wild they are causing a disturbance into the wild habitat. When a python is released into a place full of crocodiles these two will start competing for food which would cause all of the lower species to start lowing in numbers faster until they become extinct which would then make the snakes and the crocodile die off too. If this keeps on happening the eventually every animal would die off!
My final reason is that these wetlands provide many things to many communities. For example, the Everglades provides southern Florida with water. Plus the Everglades can give many people jobs such as a tour guide or animal preserver etc. If the Everglades die off they would cause a job loss and part of a state with out water! Water is definitively a necessity. These beautiful wetland bring people form around the world to come and enjoy a few hours just looking at the wild life and land.
In conclusion we should persevere wetland for the following reasons. They are beautiful lands that

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