
Drug Addicted Baby Essay

Decent Essays

Currently an alarming rate of expectant mother’s are using illegal drugs and jeopardizing the well-being of the baby and themselves. This issue has become a societal problem.

The first two weeks of pregnancy are a critical time during this period major organs start the development process. The use of illegal drugs such as, methamphetamine, cocaine or heroin during pregnancy can potentially lead to a profound effect on both mother and baby. The drugs can be transmitted from the mother to baby through the placenta. As a result, mother could suffer a miscarriage, premature labor and hemorrhaging, additionally her ability to make rational decisions can be impaired. Potential effects for the baby; low birth weight, organs not properly functioning, …show more content…

They realize their addictive behavior has caused current birth problems or inherent long term effects on the baby after the birth. These feelings can exacerbate to depression, and anxiety. Without proper treatment these feelings will be unremitting and could lead to further excessive drug abuse.

Most people feel that drug addiction is a choice, and a mother using during pregnancy has a total disregard for her baby’s well-being, lack of love for the baby, moreover, she is a poor parent. Additionally, the mother realizes her situation is dire, however, she continues using having full knowledge, and there are serious medical risk factors for herself and the baby.

In my opinion drug addiction is an illness and must be treated as all other illnesses. When it's discovered that the mother is an addict, or her baby test positive for drugs mandatory in- patient mandatory treatment needs to start immediately for both the mother and the baby. If the baby tests negative, it is still critical that the mother still has mandatory treatment. During treatment the mother has the opportunity to receive mental health counseling, support from professional passionate, caring support team. Moreover, the mother has the opportunity to learn to live life from a drug free perspective; In addition, treatment reduces the risk of …show more content…

The care unit addresses drug addiction and mental health issues. The services also include family members in an effort to build a strong support team for the mother. In addition, counseling is offered to the family who is also affected by the mother's addiction. All of the participants needs and concerns are addressed. The program is beneficial for addicted mothers not only does the program offer treatment, but has the understanding that the mother has an illness. The expectation is to achieve a positive outcome for the mother, baby, and

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