
Criminal Investigation Techniques

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Firearms is a weapon from which a shot is being fired by the help of gunpowder, it could be Revolvers, Rifles (such as AK 47) and others. Deposits from residues, shell casing, fingerprints and guns are traceable by the help of forensic technicians. Investigators get help or clues through ballistic fingerprints at the scratches, dimples, bumps, and grooves that a gun leaves on a bullet and its shell casing. In terms of human fingerprinting, we could get each print by ballistics matching, finding whether two rounds came from the same gun. This method or technic can be a powerful tool for getting a good result when investigators have a suspect's weapon and can compare a slug from the crime with one test-fired from the gun. Failing that, investigators can use it to link separate crimes. Rae-Dupree, J. (2002). How bullets tell a …show more content…

This could be done by a team of investigators or first responding officer that have the jurisdiction to go to the scene of the crime and seal it off. Video recording and photographing of the scene. If necessary as the case maybe, they could undertake a firearms and ballistics examination. That would give them the ability to check for traceable evidence like shoe, tire mark impressions, and to examine any fingerprints.
The integrity of the evidence can be questioned if not properly collected and handled. "While the lack of details surrounding the shooting may frustrate the media and breed suspicion among those already distrustful of the system, those closely guarded details give law enforcement the best yardsticks for measuring whether witnesses are truthful," Callahan said. "Without those yardsticks, an investigation becomes more of a guessing game or popularity contest than a search for the truth." Drehle, D. V., Altman, A., Rogers, A., Sanburn, J., & Miller, Z. (2014). The Tragedy of Ferguson. Cover Story. Time, 184(8),

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