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Over the centuries, America has welcomed presidents from different backgrounds and political viewpoints. Most men who became presidents didn’t win their way in by mentioning what they wanted to accomplish but by displaying empathy and kindness to the citizens. Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson are two great examples of how they earned the citizens heart and support. However, their support and popularity didn’t assure their presidency would be a success which wasn’t as successful as their presidential vote victories. The Election of 1932 was a successful election for Roosevelt compared to his opponent, Herbert Hoover. Franklin Roosevelt is a democrat and won the electoral vote by 89% and 22,809,638 votes, 7,050,737 more votes …show more content…

Kennedy was assassinated,this horrible event was the beginning of a new era for a new president. Lyndon B. Johnson was the vise president for JFK, throughout the 1950’s he worked to obstruct the passage and enforcement of civil right laws. Lyndon B. Johnson reassured a grieving nation that “the ideas and the ideals which Kennedy so nobly represented must and will be translated into effective action.” That is exactly what Lyndon B. Johnson did, in his first term he accomplished many goals and displayed dedication to reunite America. On July 2, 1964 Johnson signed the Civil Right Movement, it prohibited discrimination in most places of public accommodation; outlawed discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color,religion, sex or national origin. The Civil Right Movement was the most significant civil rights legislation since Reconstruction, it was the beginning of the colored people’s success. This legislation not only made America an equal field for everyone, but Johnson started to earn the support and love from the Americans, specifically the African Americans. Lyndon B. Johnson was reelection in 1964, capturing 61% of the popular vote and 94% casted ballots for Johnson. In August 1965, Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law, aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote as guaranteed under the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Accomplishing this in his second term was an outstanding accomplishment, not only did Johnson keep his word but also is demonstrating that he is ready to do more for the country. This victory streak didn’t last forever, America got involved in War. LBJ’s presidency was dominated by the Vietnam War. United States attacked villagers and their homes, American citizens had no idea. The U.S had many as 4 million people into refugees, refugees that were innocent and noble people. By late 1968, the U.S

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