Integrating Theory Into Professional Practice



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May 12, 2024





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1 Integrating Theory into Professional Practice Jade Futrell Capella University SWK2208: Intro Human Behavior and Social Environment Dr. Cyndi Hovland February 25, 2024
2 Integrating Theory into Professional Practice Antwone Fisher is a 25-year-old African American male, who was born in prison because his mother was incarcerated at the time of his birth, and his father had already passed away before Antwone was born. He was subsequently placed into the foster care system and has been in foster care throughout his life. When living with the Tate’s family, he has been experiencing a lot of traumas. This does include anger, insecurities, sexual abuse, and abandonment. He even suffered from mental, physical, and verbal abuse as well from this foster family. As he aged, he enlisted in the United States Navy. He’s been experiencing frequent anger outbursts and displaying a tendency to engage in conflicts with other crew members. Antwone’s commanding officer has made it known that he needs to see a therapist to deal with his issues head-on.  Antwone finds it challenging to open up and build trust with his therapist, Davenport, during their sessions. After a few sessions of quiet, Antwone decided to try talking with Davenport and started to open up with him. Davenport discovered that Antwone was dealing with so much mentally and emotionally that he needed to face his trauma to move on and live a healthy lifestyle. If he does not face his issues head-on, then he will continue to spiral.  Understanding the reasons behind a person’s reactions is crucial when working with a client. You have to question yourself: is this being based on behavioral, feminist issues, is it being centered on the client, and more? So, we begin to question ourselves before we even start: what exactly is the human behavior theory? Human behavior is based on someone’s thoughts, motivation, emotions, and even judgment. There are different kinds of human behaviors to think about such as:  Personality-based: Personality can be tricky because you cannot get a sense of their personality without having to get to know that person. Some personalities can be friendly and easygoing, but others can be temper-headed.
3 Interest-based: This would be someone’s interest that is affecting how they are going to behave. Meaning some people would risk that interest or they could take a safe route for that particular interest. Attitude-based: Attitude can play a huge role in someone’s behavior. These attitudes can come from how someone was approached, negative and positive attitude affects someone’s mood. Emotion-based: Decisions and actions are being made based on a person’s emotions. This can include negative and positive emotions when it comes to certain situations. Meaning that based on a situation, if a person is feeling overwhelmed or anxious, then that person will more than likely withdraw from that situation. For my client, Antwone, I would like to think that he is displaying actions that are emotion- based. I am going to say this because of the childhood trauma that he experienced growing up. He was verbally, mentally, and physically abused by his foster mother. He was also sexually molested by the foster extended family member. His foster mother compared Antwone to the other kids who were living with the same foster family. Antwone was also abandoned by his birth mother, and he does not know anything about his biological father. His best friend, Jesse, was killed in front of him inside of a convenience store. Antwone was kicked out of his foster home and was homeless for a while. With everything that Antwone has experienced, he had a lot of emotions that he was dealing with. He did not know how to handle grief, anger, anxiety, insecurities, abandonment issues, and more. He became isolated from people, he started not to trust anyone, he was constantly angry, he did not have very many friends, and insecurities were taking over his life. I say that he is acting on emotion-based theory because he is acting out on what he already knows.
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