Cultural Identifiers Topic Essay Colleen Stear



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1 Cultural Identifiers Topic Essay Colleen Stear EDU-330 Social Justice in Education Professor Larena Barnett June 10, 2023
2 Cultural Identifiers Topic Essay Controversial Topics and Identifier There are two sides to the topic of prayer in school, you believe prayer belongs in school or you believe prayer doesn’t belong in schools. This has been a controversial topic for many years. Even more now than in past years. Students can still pray in school if it’s on their own time, and they aren’t infringing on anyone else. Social justice in education means acknowledging and acting upon the power that we have for making positive change. Connecting to students lives by building relationships with students. Getting to know them and actively acknowledging and showing they bring value to your classroom. Prayer in schools can build those connections. I chose this topic because prayer is very important to me and my walk with the Lord. It has gotten me through some very difficult times in my life. Historical Events Since the 1960 prayer in school has been perceived by religious conservatives to be diminishing (Issues & Controversies, 2022). There are many historical events that have considerably affected prayers in school. Engel v. Vitale (1962) was a case where the Supreme Court ruled that school sponsored prayer in public schools violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Supreme Court set the standard that organized or sponsored activities involving prayer by a public school are not permitted (Unnid, 2023). This is not limited to just teachers it goes for students too. The court prohibited school sponsored prayers. Relation to K-12 There are four components in social justice education. First, teachers intentionally include curriculum that encourages students to work for fairness both in and outside the
3 Cultural Identifiers Topic Essay classroom. Second, provide all students with resources essential to learn to their full potential. Include resources that contain your student’s language, cultures, and experiences. This means emotional resources too, including safe from discrimination. Third, drawing on the talents and strengths that each student brings to the classroom. Last, component is creating an environment that promotes critical thinking (Nieto & Bode, 2017). Creating your classroom as a family sharing our ideas with each other and listening to others’ ideas. Supporting each other and being honest with each other like families. Children being able to come to their teachers when they need that prayer of encouragement. Being able to talk about their beliefs in the classroom. Identifying their religion is part of social justice in education. Prayer in schools allows for experience to other religions. Learning about other cultures can be so beneficial to students. This could help children become mindful of different cultures that they may not encounter otherwise. Current Opinions and the Effects Removal of prayer in school in the 1960 was the start of a downward spiral of our schools and country. When people are not given the right to pray this can influence student’s spiritual lives and the communities. It is our job as a teacher to teach a balanced learning curriculum. How can this happen when they are forbidden from teaching prayer but must teach evolution which is an opinion of someone’s (Issues & Controversies, 2022). Some could say that prayer in school could change the purpose of going to school for some students. While voluntary prayer is legal if it’s non-disruptive, allowing schools to perform the duties of a religion some would say could change why kids go to school (Editor in Chief, 2019).
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