Crafting a Clear Message



Capella University *

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May 7, 2024





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Crafting a Clear Message A few years ago, I worked for a children’s clothing boutique. My boss was always eager to reach more customers and sell her brand in luxury department stores such as Nordstrom and Bloomingdales. She spent quite amount of money creating Instagram ads or printing catalogues to send to potential retail stores. Despite her efforts, she struggled to gain new customers. As the years pass, I tend to examine and question what could have made her brand more successful. Here are some of my takeaways:  Ditch the clutter. The emails, Instagram posts and catalogues held too much information at first glance that could have potentially overwhelmed the audience. They could have been more successful if she thought, what do I want the audience to do when they come across my message? Maybe include a website URL that will inform them more about her brand as they search instead of trying to include all the information on one post.  Establish a tone and develop a style. The problem here was that there were various content creators working without clear direction of what tone and style she wanted her brand to give. The social media posts, email blasts, catalogues weren’t cohesive in style or tone. For example, one ad would use loud bright colors and bold text while another would be calm colors with light text. If I were a potential customer scrolling through Instagram and saw two of her ads in one day chances are, I wouldn’t associate them with each other. I would think they were two completely different brands.  Focus on what makes you different. Her designs were beautiful. The clothing was elegant and could have easily been sold at any luxury retail store with a children’s department. How could she have shown that she was different from competitors? Maybe by showing that her fabrics were of highest quality, unique and exclusive to her brand (videos, testimonials from existing customers). Or how the designs were handmade by a small team of designers and seamstresses with only a small quantity produced for each style. People want more of things that are scarce and unique. Although these changes may have led to greater success, I do think sharing her message in different formats was the most helpful to reaching customers. It is important to remember that your audience consists of various kinds of people. Some may enjoy reading a blog post while others rather watch a video. Once the message is clear, it will be easier (and more fun) to communicate with your audience.
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