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May 14, 2024





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HOMELESSNESS IN OUR PUERTO RICO COMMUNITIES 1 Homelessness in our Puerto Rico Communities Rosalie Neris School of Community Care & Counseling: Pastoral Care & Counseling, Liberty University EDCO-705: Issues and Trends in the Community Author Note The purpose of this paper is to help understand the complexity of homelessness. There are no conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Rosalie Neris. rneris@liberty.edu
HOMELESSNESS IN OUR PUERTO RICO COMMUNITIES 2 Abstract This case study investigates and provides thorough awareness of homelessness in our Puerto Rico communities. Homelessness in our Puerto Rico communities is an issue with rising concern. Some may think that the individuals struggling with homelessness can be found mainly in the inner-city areas, but the reality of the matter is that the number of individuals with this issue is quickly increasing within the small-town areas. Although one can see these individuals anywhere in the inner - city streets each day, it is difficult to spot them in the small- town areas. This creates a challenge when trying to calculate the total number of individuals suffering from these issues because it makes them vulnerable. Through this case study one will understand the issues surrounding the individuals struggling with homelessness, identify specific needs as well as mediation approaches to help this population in our communities. Resistance factors will be taken into consideration. Also, programs and coalitions, and advocacy programs will be addressed. Challenges and Barriers to Services for the homeless individuals will also be evaluated. This case study’s objective is to develop more successful and humanitarian resolutions for this unprotected population. Keywords : homelessness, Puerto Rico, programs and services
HOMELESSNESS IN OUR PUERTO RICO COMMUNITIES 3 Homelessness in our Puerto Rico Communities Homelessness is a complex and prevalent societal issue that seriously impacts individuals, families, and communities across the globe. In Puerto Rico, the diverse challenges posed by homelessness have become increasingly urgent, aggravated by natural disasters, economic instability, and a lack of comprehensive support systems. This case study aims to shed light on the multidimensional nature of homelessness within Puerto Rican communities, exploring the intricate interplay of socioeconomic, psychological, and systemic factors that contribute to this distressing reality. Description of the Population Puerto Rico's homeless population is a diverse and multifaceted group, comprising individuals from various backgrounds and circumstances. According to the report by AgitArte (2020), this population faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many shelters and service providers had to temporarily close or reduce their operations, highlighting their vulnerability during times of crisis. Barada Castro's (2010) study explores the legal and social status of homeless individuals, often referred to as "wanderers," in Puerto Rico. The study highlights the lack of legal protections and the stigma faced by this population, underscoring the need for policy changes and public awareness to address their marginalization. The homeless population in Puerto Rico includes families with children, veterans, individuals with mental health disorders or substance abuse issues, and those who have experienced economic hardships, job loss, or displacement due to natural disasters such as hurricanes (Caton et al., 2007). Many of these individuals may have experienced trauma, abuse, or other adverse life events that contributed to their homelessness.
HOMELESSNESS IN OUR PUERTO RICO COMMUNITIES 4 Cultural considerations When addressing homelessness in Puerto Rico, it is crucial to consider the unique cultural context and traditions that shape the experiences and perceptions of this population. Some important cultural considerations include: Familismo : The strong emphasis on family unity and support in Puerto Rican culture can impact the way homelessness is perceived and experienced. Individuals may be hesitant to seek assistance due to concerns about stigma or shame, particularly if it involves separating from family members. Machismo : Traditional gender roles and expectations associated with machismo can influence the dynamics of homelessness. Men may be reluctant to seek help or admit vulnerability, while women experiencing homelessness may face additional challenges related to safety and gender-based violence. Language and Communication : Puerto Rico is a predominantly Spanish-speaking territory, and language barriers can hinder access to services and resources for the homeless population. Culturally responsive communication strategies and bilingual support are essential to ensure effective outreach and service delivery. Religious and Spiritual Beliefs : Puerto Rican culture is deeply rooted in religious and spiritual traditions, which can shape coping mechanisms, help-seeking behaviors, and perceptions of homelessness. Incorporating faith-based organizations and respecting cultural beliefs can enhance the effectiveness of intervention approaches. Community Ties and Resilience : Despite adversities, Puerto Rican communities often demonstrate strong resilience and a sense of community solidarity. Leveraging these
HOMELESSNESS IN OUR PUERTO RICO COMMUNITIES 5 cultural strengths and fostering community-based solutions can contribute to effective interventions and support systems for the homeless population. By understanding and addressing these cultural considerations, intervention strategies can be tailored to be more culturally relevant, respectful, and effective in addressing the unique needs of the homeless population in Puerto Rico. Jesus himself experienced homelessness, as mentioned in Matthew 8:20: "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." This verse reminds us of the importance of empathy and compassion for those without stable housing, as we are called to follow in the footsteps of Christ, who identified with the marginalized and vulnerable. In Matthew 25:35-40, Jesus emphasizes the importance of caring for those in need, stating, "For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger, and you welcomed me, I was naked, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you visited me, I was in prison, and you came to me." This passage reminds us of our responsibility to serve those who are facing difficult circumstances, including those experiencing homelessness. Identifying specific Need The homeless population in Puerto Rico is multifaceted and spans various domains, including housing, healthcare, mental health support, employment opportunities, and access to social services. One of the most pressing needs is access to safe, affordable, and permanent housing solutions. As reported by Caro (2023), in El Nuevo Día, there has been a rise in homelessness in northern Puerto Rico towns, indicating the growing need for affordable housing and support services in these areas. According to a report by the San Diego Tribune in Spanish (2016), Puerto Rico experienced a 35% increase in the number of homeless individuals over a
HOMELESSNESS IN OUR PUERTO RICO COMMUNITIES 6 two-year period, highlighting the pressing need for affordable housing solutions. In regard to health care, the individuals in the homeless population lack access to regular medical care, which can exacerbate existing health conditions or lead to new ones. A study by Klop et al. (2018) found that homeless individuals in Puerto Rico often avoid seeking healthcare due to various barriers, including lack of transportation, stigma, and difficulties navigating the healthcare system. The Corporación Salud Asegurada por Nuestra Organización Solidaria (SANOS) (2024), is an organization dedicated to providing healthcare services to underserved populations, including the homeless community in Puerto Rico, addressing their critical need for access to medical care. A significant portion of the homeless population struggles with mental health disorders, substance abuse issues, or co-occurring disorders (Caton et al., 2007). Adequate mental health services, counseling, and support groups are crucial to address these underlying issues and promote recovery. Lack of employment and financial stability are significant contributing factors to homelessness. Job training programs, vocational education, and employment assistance can empower individuals to achieve economic self-sufficiency and break the cycle of homelessness. Navigating the complex web of social services can be challenging for those experiencing homelessness. Access to resources such as food assistance, legal aid, and housing support services is essential to meet their basic needs and facilitate their transition to stable housing. AgitArte (2020) highlighted the challenges faced by the homeless population during the COVID- 19 pandemic, including a lack of access to food and basic necessities, emphasizing the need for ongoing support in meeting these fundamental needs. Addressing these needs aligns with the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized the importance of caring for the "least of these" (Matthew 25:40). By providing for the physical,
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