His-100 Tulsa Massacre Final Project



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Tulsa Massacre of 1921 Victoria Goree Southern New Hampshire University History 100 Perspectives in History Jamie Wilson June 18,2023 HIS 100 Project Template Use this template to address the steps in your Project Guidelines and Rubric. Replace the bracketed text with your responses. Ensure that you have considered your instructor’s feedback when revising your work. Proofread the entire document before submitting. Part 1: Creating a Research Question Describe how your assumptions, beliefs, and values influenced your choice of topic. The thing that influenced me the most in choosing the Tulsa Massacre of 1921 was racism. I was raised in Kansas about 30 minutes away from my location now. I had never heard of this event that took place until about 2 years ago. I was taught all kinds of Indian/Native American and white
history, but never too much on my own culture and background. I had no knowledge of this event ever happening. Being that I live in Oklahoma and am also black, this is incredibly sad. There seems to me to still be a lot of racism and withholding the history of my ancestors to make America look better than what it truly was. African Americans deserve compensation like the Native tribes receive. The black people were treated unjustly. I assume that the white lady was lying. My values are that everyone should be treated fairly and equally. Discuss the significance of your historical research question in relation to your current event. The research question that I chose is, “Who started the Tulsa Massacre and why did it happen?” This question has significance to the Buffalo Mass Shooting because by gaining a better understanding of why and what the underlying causes where we can start to prevent other instances of racial violence from occurring. Explain how you used sources to finalize your research question. I used sources to finalize my research question by noticing what information was credible and was able to be used for the paper. The sources that I used were the following: White, W. (2002). Rope and faggot. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvpj77g0 Journal Williams, R., & Butler, J. S. (1993). Entrepreneurship and self-help among Black Americans: A reconsideration of race and economics. Contemporary Sociology , 22 (2), 180. https://doi.org/10.2307/2075729 Journal Part 2: Building Context to Address Questions
Describe the context of your historical event that influenced your current event. The historical context influenced my choice of this event because it hit so close to home. Also, because racism is the root cause of the tension that has prevailed over the years between the blacks and the whites in American society. The context of the Tulsa Massacre helped influence the Buffalo Mass shooting because of the racial violence that was imposed on black people in the United States. The shooting in Buffalo highlighted that issues with gun violence and hate crimes are still very much a problem in society today. This topic is relevant to current events because of the racial differences that are still present today. There is still a lot of prejudice and racial profiling today. We have had so many people killed recently by the police just because of their race it is profound. Describe a historical figure or group’s participation in your historical event. Dick Rowland was the 19-year-old man that was accused of assaulting a young white woman that worked as an elevator operator. After he was arrested a white mob began to form outside of the jail and demanded that he be handed over to them. Other black men, that were Veterans went to ensure that young Rowland did not get lynched by the mob and received a fair trial. After a while, a shot was fired, and it escalated to a full riot or massacre from there. Explain the historical figure or group’s motivation to participate in your historical event. The white mobs were fueled by racial tension and to maintain the power of white supremacy in Tulsa, OK. There were tons of resentment towards the Black community of Greenwood. The community where black people were residing was segregated because of how successful and thriving they had become. The accusation against Dick Rowland was just the spark that was needed
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