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Health Science


Jan 9, 2024





Uploaded by JusticeStraw9090

= studocu Rosdahl Test Questions - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material CHP 7 1. Which factors should the nurse consider when monitoring the status of the community's health? Select all that apply. A) B) 0) D) E) A breakout of lice in a local grade school The increasing incidence of sexually transmitted diseases among high school students The increase in gun-related deaths in the county Number of middle school students successfully passing at the end of the school year The increase in diagnosed cases of pancreatic cancer among the smoking population 2. Which statement by the nurse correctly identifies the health-related functions of the World Health Organization (WHO)? A) B) ) D) Sends healthcare professionals to nations affected by natural disasters to combat diseases and disorders at both the community and individual levels. Helps children in developing countries affected by natural disasters to receive safe water. Sends healthcare professionals to help infants in developing countries with infant rehydration programs. Helps children in developing countries with support of general education. 3. The nurse is preparing a community education program on the functions of The United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Which goals should be discussed in the program? Select all that apply. Providing nutrition instructions to parents Supporting immunization programs Developing low-cost food supplements Providing electricity for meal preparation Establishing community-wide safe water sources 4. What advances in public health since 1900 have contributed to an increase in the life expectancy of the average American? Select all that apply. Increased numbers of vaccinations Improved automobile safety features Recognition of tobacco as a health hazard Increased availability of private health insurance Improved food safety regulations Page 1 i = g University High School Books
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